Frequently Asked Questions

What benefits can I expect from plant protection?

Starting with the gaiasense1 package, you can already improve the effectiveness of the sprayings. At the same time, it helps you not to miss some important risks, so you generally improve the protection of your crop.

In gaiasense2, you can reduce plant protection costs by avoiding unnecessary sprayings, and at the same time to drastically improve the effectiveness of the sprayings you carry out.

With the technical support of gaiasense3, you will maximize all these benefits. In addition, levels 2 and 3 not only allow you to better manage the irrigation and nutrition as well as the risks of extreme weather (gaiasense level 1), but you will also have reduced humidity in your field and healthier plants, therefore better protected against parasitic pests and diseases.

Overall, you will reduce crop protection costs, have less production losses and improve the quality of your products by minimizing chemical residues.